Monday, March 26, 2012

Dont owe the Raptor Mafia

For my third picture I've decided to show what happens if you owe the raptor mafia, whether it is money, drugs, etc. As you can tell the little girl (Bubble Girl) is running from a raptor because she owes money to the raptor mafia. I believe the raptor mafia has all the right to hunt down that little girl and teach her a lesson, she does owe them money. Punishments from not paying the raptor mafia usually lead to a (short) chase then a brutal beating with a baseball bat. Personal cases with the godfather will be punished by death (quick or slow). There is really no point to running because they ALWAYS find you so just take your punishment like a man.

Dont owe the Raptor Mafia

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Jockey riding a Raptor riding a Shark

Jockey riding a Raptor riding a Shark

The second picture I've chosen to show you is a Jockey riding a Raptor riding a Shark once again I got inspiration from the raptor riding a shark picture, but my friend who I will not name asked for this picture. As you can see there is a jockey riding a raptor riding a shark, although being extremely dangerous, riding a raptor that is riding a shark is actually quite fun but I strongly recommend it not to be done in a populated lake for obvious reasons. Many people who enjoy to ride a raptor that is riding a shark for causal or competitive reasons always find themselves enjoying it.

a jockey riding a raptor riding a shark

Raptor Mafia

Raptor Mafia

The first picture I've chosen to show is the Raptor Mafia picture, I received inspiration after looking at the picture of a Raptor riding a shark with a RPG, as you can tell you do not want to owe this bastard money.

Fun Facts about the Raptor Mafia:
  • Founded 73 million years about during late Cretaceous Period
  • Had influence in multiple parts of Asia
  • Were bad ass
  • Wore (before their era) suits and fedoras that led to stereotypical mafia image.
  • Founded by (Uncle) Franky B. Velociraptor
  • Although inaccuratly protrayed in Jurassic Park they were in fact not savages but well mannered criminals.

Raptor Mafia